The address

A-3421 Höflein an der Donau, Donaulände 33.

Please note: There is also a "Donauring" and a "Donaustraße" in Höflein!

Google-map of the location:

map of the location


The GPS-coordinates are: 48.350046, 16.282897.

Apple-maps: Link

Link: Apple-Maps

How to get there (from Vienna)

By car

Drive to Klosterneuburg and take the bypass (left lane) to Kritzendorf/Höflein.

At the roundabout (next to huge supermarket "INTERSPAR"), take the exit to Kritzendorf/Höflein.

Drive through Kritzendorf. Take the first possibility after the place-name sign "Höflein" to turn right (there is a green arrow "Strandburg Silbersee"). Attention: This is a switchback!

Cross the rail tracks and drive straight ahead towards the riverside of the Donau (Danube).

Turn left when you reach the boardwalk ("Treppelweg"): You are already in "Donaulände"!

When you face the traffic sign "no vehicles", park your vehicle at the river bank.

Drive carefully: A lot of bicyclists and pedestrians use the "Treppelweg"!

Here is a sketch of the route:

map of the location

By public transportation

Take the "Schnellbahn" S40 from Heiligenstadt/U4 to Bahnhof Höflein an der Donau. (For your convenience, here is the railway-schedule in PDF-format.)

Go to the the river bank and then downstream for about 800 metres.

Here is a sketch of the route:

map of the location

By bicycle

The "Treppelweg" is part of the bicycle route to Passau (at the south side of the river Danube).